Monday, August 25, 2014

Explanation of my test run

Dear Family & Friends,

Guess I did not make it clear that I was trying on the raincoat & poncho for when it rains on a day I am walking. It is not for all the days I will be walking. There's a poncho, brand name ALTUS, that can be bought in St. Jean Pied de Port for Euro 50, about $70.00. It covers me & the poncho in one piece. Well, when I am in London & it drizzles or rain, I thought the raincoat will be a better option than a poncho. I have a perfectly fine raincoat I can wear. The poncho is really more to keep my Backpack dry. There's a Backpack cover I can buy or as someone on the Camino had suggested a garbage bag will do the job, too. 

Dennis is so game hosing me down & really put the hose on full blast. It worked, my backpack was dry & the contents. 

The average temp in Spain for Sept. Is 60-70 F & 50-60 F in October. It will be cool enough for walking. I actually will have to take a fleece jacket for the early morning walk as it will be colder. 

Thanks for all the thoughts & concern about my well being. 
